There are few places in Texas where residents are so united by a common struggle. Father Seifert says this is one of the aspects that make the colonias special: "What is in the colonias that's of value to the rest of our American community? The sense of community continues to be of value. But it's not a gated community. Here you are a part of something bigger than yourself. You're not anonymous. There's a sense of purpose about things." He tells me about the tragedy that befell the Alvears, a family of seven who lived in a ramshackle trailer without wiring in Cameron Park: "The kids were sleeping on the floor because it was hot as blazes. They had an extension cord under the rug, and it caught fire. The mother and father each pulled a daughter out of the smoke-filled trailer, but when they tried to rescue their small son, Emmanuel, who could not reach the latch on the door that closed behind them, the propane tank exploded. The mother and one girl were horribly burned. Emmanuel was killed." Today the Alvears live in an attractive brick home that stands on the same site. It was the neighbors who got together and provided the materials. On the right wing is a small shrine to Emmanuel.